

LEE, Gyoungo (이경호)

연구 분야 : 물리학의 본성과 물리교육학/물리교수학습이론 및 교수법/교사를 위한 물리학

강의 과목 : 물리교육론/물리교수법/물리학개념의 역사적 발달/

               과학교육기초론(대학원)/과학의 본질과 과학교육(대학원)/물리학습지도(대학원)

연구실 : 13동 319호

E-mail : ghlee@snu.ac.kr

Postdoctoral Researcher

Kim Hongbin (김홍빈)

E-mail : hongbin633@gmail.com

Reserch Interest : Modern Physics Education, Teacher Education, Historical Approaches in Physics Education (Physics Content Knowledge based on Practice), Mathematical Concepts in Physics Education

Selected Papers 


  • 권상운, 김홍빈 (2021). 플랑크 흑체 복사 이론의 설명 방식 분석을 통한 물리교사 교육에의 시사점 탐색. 새물리. 71(7): 616-629.
  • 이은예, 김홍빈, 이경호 (2021). 아인슈타인 논문 속에 담긴 보편성 추구 과정의 특징. 새물리. 71(6): 510-526.
  • Kim H. and Lee G. (2021). Toward Understanding Einsteinian Physics Education: Relativity Education as an Exemplar. Chapter 25 in Teaching Einsteinian Physics in Schools (editors: M. Kersting and D. Blair). Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group ISBN(paperback): 978-1-760-87771-2

Ph.D. Course Students

Kam, Minju (감민주)

 E-mail : kammj0116@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Good Science Teaching, Teacher Education

Park, Seong-Tae (박성태)

E-mail : 1st.park@snu.ac.kr

Interest : Authentic Science Education, Holistic Science Pedagogy, Teacher Evaluation in Science Education, IB Physics IA Assessment Standards, Quality Assurance in Science Education, Education on Data Interpretation Based on Quantitative Measurement and Observation

Selected Papers 


  • 박성태, & 전동렬. (2009). 마이크 격자와 컴퓨터 제어를 이용한 소리의 간섭과 회절 측정. 현장과학교육, 3(1), 30-36.
  • 박성태, & 전동렬. (2009). 고등학생을 위한 프랙털 현상 실험: 금-알루미늄 합금의 프랙털 형성. 현장과학교육, 3(2), 111-117.

Yi, Jinseog (이진석)

 E-mail : colbertx0@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Elementary Students Understanding of the Theory of Relativity

Kim, Hyungjin (김형진)

E-mail : darline2@snu.ac.kr

Interest : Education and Application of Appropriate Technology, Making Education using Design Thinking. Making science curriculum related to ‘What am I?’, Education of Big History in School, Education of Special Relativity based on basic assumption.

Lee, Jongseon (이종선)

E-mail : jong2seon@snu.ac.kr

Interest : Philosophy of science education. Curriculum and textbook.

Jang, Jung-hwa (장정화)

 E-mail : sarahzzang76@snu.ac.kr

 Interest :

Finding educational lesson from Einstein’s writing

Understanding Relativity for secondary school students.


Selected Papers 


  •  검전기 실험이 보여줄 수 있는 것 : 아인슈타인 vs. 과학교과서 / 장정화*, 이경호, 김홍빈(서울대학교 물리교육과)
  •  과학 측정활동에서 중학생들의 추론 유형 : 학위논문(석사)— 서울대학교 대학원 : 과학교육과 물리전공 2004

Hong, Hyejin (홍혜진)

 E-mail : irealsun@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : science eduction curriculum & curriculum improvement study

Lee, Eunye (이은예)

 E-mail : physicsye@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : The Characteristics of Physics theory revealed in Einstein’s paper, Relativity education, Good science Teaching

Lee, Jaewook (이재욱)

 E-mail : zzw0823@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Science for All, Scientific Literacy, Good Science Teaching

Moon, Youngjoo (문영주)

 E-mail : moonyj@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Science Curriculum, Evaluation Criteria

Baek, Soojeong (백수정)

 E-mail : sj73735@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Historical Experiment in Physics and its application in Education

Lee, Jiwon (이지원)

 E-mail : leejiwon@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Elementary School Science Education, Teacher Education, Creativity, Gifted Education

 Selected papers

  • Lee, J., & Körhasan, N.D. (2022) Investigation of the effect of group type on group performance in peer-collaborated two-round physics problem solving. Physical review physics educaiton research, In press.
  • Lee, J. (2021). A missing piece in high school science education: Research ethics in the classroom. International Journal of Science Education, 43(11), 1799-1816.
  • Lee, J. (2021) Missing link between talent development and eminence: Why gifted students abandon their pursuit of science. Gifted and Talented International, 36(1-2), 93-10

Sim, Gyucheol (심규철)

 E-mail : simbo25@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : HPS, big ideas of science education, Physics curriculum

M.S. Course Students

Lee, Jumyeong (이주명)

E-mail : govlwnaud@snu.ac.kr

Interest : The difficulties of students in science learning, subject content, subject matter education

Kim, Byungyoon (김병윤)

E-mail : darktnwl07@snu.ac.kr

Interest : Good science teaching, The difficulties of students in science learning

Kim, Kangrae (김강래)

E-mail : tsogp@snu.ac.kr

Interest : History and Philosophy of Science, Storytelling in Science Education

PARK Yeon Joo (박연주)

E-mail : yudetun@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Good Science Teaching, Teacher Education

Cho, Minchul (조민철)

 E-mail : mc9710@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Teaching of Experimentation, History and Philosophy of Science

Lee, jiyoung (이지영)

 E-mail : jjoung8@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : A Study on the affective characteristics of gifted students

Lee, Gwangpyo (이광표)

 E-mail : kpyo96@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Good Science Teaching, History and Philosophy of Science

Kim, Mingi (김민기)

 E-mail : blake@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Discriminant Physical Education and Evaluation for Students’ Purpose



Kwon Sangwoon (권상운)

E-mail : white001@snu.ac.kr

Interest : Physics Textbook, University Physics Education, History of Physics for Authentic Physics, Quantum Physics Education, Mathematics and Physics in Education

Lee, Seongeun (이성은)

E-mail : aqua0202@snu.ac.kr

Interest : Good science Teaching, Pre-service teacher, Science Teacher,
               Students’ Conceptions and Conceptual Change of Physics,

               Science Curriculum and Textbooks

Kim, Youngchun (김영춘)

E-mail kyc87@snu.ac.kr

Interest : Teacher Professional Development

An, Jeonggon (안정곤)

 E-mail : zoryong@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : The causes of difficulties in learning physics
                 in terms of the nature of scientific theories


Jung, Kyesam (정계삼)


 Interest : Learning Mechanism based on Computational Neuroscience

Selected Papers 

  • Kyesam Jung, Karl J. Friston, Chongwon Pae, Yoon Kyoung Choi, Sungho Tak, Hanseul H. Choi, Bumhee Park, Chan-A Park, Chaejoon Cheong, and Hae-Jeong Park* (2018). Effective connectivity during working memory and resting states: a DCM study. Neuroimage, 169, pp.485-495.
  • Kyesam Jung and Gyoungho Lee* (2012). Developing a tutorial to address student difficulties in learning curl: a link between qualitative and mathematical reasoning. Canadian Journal of Physics, 90(6), pp. 565-572..
  • Kyesam Jung and Gyoungho Lee* (2009). Students’ Difficulties in Understanding the Curl Operation in Upper-level Mechanics. Sae-Mulli (The Korean Physics Society), 58(1), pp.48-61.

Lee, Seoji (이서지)


Interest : Relativity education, Finding educational lesson from Einstein’s writing

Lee Kyeong-min (이경민)


 Interest : Relativity education, To teach ‘general relativity’ as Einstein practiced, analysis of modern physics textbooks

So, Bermon (서범원)


 Interest : High School Physics Textbook, Classical Mechanics, Teacher Education

Lee, Damin (이다민)

E-mail : phdamin@snu.ac.kr

Interest : Relativity education, To teach ‘light and wave’ as Einstein practiced, analysis of modern physics textbooks

Kam, Minju (감민주)

 E-mail : kammj0116@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Good Science Teaching, Teacher Education

Lee, Gwangpyo (이광표)

 E-mail : kpyo96@snu.ac.kr

 Interest : Good Science Teaching, History and Philosophy of Science