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채승철 교수

Chae, Seung Chul

주소13동 419호

주요 논저

[1] Initial defect configuration in NiO film for reliable unipolar resistance switching of Pt/NiO/Pt structure S-H Phark and S C Chae Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48, 155102 (2015)


[2] Effect of Deposition Temperature on the Formation of Defect Phases in BiFeO3 Thin Films Byung Chul Jeon, Seung Chul Chae, Tae Dong Kang and S. J. Moon Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 64, 1849 (2014)


[3] Flexoelectric Effect in the Reversal of Self-Polarization and Associated Changes in the Electronic Functional Properties of BiFeO3 Thin Films Byung Chul Jeon, Daesu Lee, Myang Hwan Lee, Sang Mo Yang, Seung Chul Chae, Tae Kwon Song, Sang Don Bu, Jin-Seok Chung, Jong-Gul Yoon and Tae Won Noh Advanced Materials, 25, 5643 (2013)


[4] La-doped BaSnO3 – degenerate perovskite transparent conducting oxide: Evidence from Synchrotron x-ray spectroscopy S. Sallis, D. O. Scanlon, S. C. Chae, N. F. Quackenbush, D. A. Fischer, J. C. Woicik, J.-H. Guo, S.-W. Cheong and L. F. J. Piper Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 042105 (2013)


[5] Ferroelectric Switching Dynamics of Topological Vortex Domains in a Hexagonal Manganite Myung-Geun Han, Yimei Zhu, Lijun Wu, Toshihiro Aoki, Vyacheslav Volkov, Xueyun Wang, Seung Chul Chae, Yoon Seok Oh, and Sang-Wook Cheong Advanced Materials, 25, 2415 (2013)


[6] Evolution of the domain topology in a ferroelectric S. C. Chae, Y. Horibe, D. Y. Jeong, N. Lee, K. Iida, M. Tanimura and S.-W. Cheong Physical Review Letters, 110, 167601 (2013)


[7] Direct observation of the proliferation of ferroelectric dislocation loops and vortex-antivortex pairs S. C. Chae, N. Lee, Y. Horibe, M. Tanimura, S. Mori, B. Gao, S. Carr and S.-W. Cheong Physical Review Letters, 108, 167603 (2012)


[8] Oxide Double Layer Nanocrossbar for Ultrahigh-Density Bipolar Resistive Memory S. H. Chang, S. B. Lee, D. Y. Jeon, S. J. Park, G. T. Kim, S. M. Yang, S. C. Chae, H. K. Yoo, B. S. Kang, M.-J. Lee and T. W. Noh Advanced Materials, 23, 4063 (2011)


[9] Metal-Insulator like transition in the LaAlO3/BaTiO3 interface S. C. Chae, W. S. Choi, H. K. Yoo and B. S. Kang Current Applied Physics, 11, 521 (2011)


[10] Self-organization, condensation, and annihilation of topological vortices and antivortices in a multiferroic S. C. Chae, Y. Horibe, D. Y. Jeong, S. Rodan, N. Lee and S.-W. Cheong Proceedings of National Academy and Science, USA, 107, 21366–21370 (2010)


[11] Effects of electrode polarity on filament ruptures during unipolar resistance switchings J. H. Jo, S. B. Lee, J. H. Lee, S. H. Chang, S. C. Chae and C. U. Jung Current Applied Physics, 10, 817–820 (2010)


[12] Large 1/f noise of unipolar resistance switching and its percolating nature S. B. Lee, S. Park, J. S. Lee, S. C. Chae, S. H. Chang, M. H. Jung, Y. Jo, B. Kahng, B. S. Kang, M.-J. Lee, and T. W. Noh Applied Physics Letters, 95, 122112 (2009).


[13] Multilevel unipolar resistance switching in TiO2 thin film S. C. Chae, J. S. Lee, W. S. Choi, S. B. Lee, H. Shin, B. Kahng, and T. W. Noh Applied Physics Letters, 95, 093508 (2009)


[14] Predictability of reset switching voltages in unipolar resistance switching S. B. Lee, S. C. Chae, S. H. Chang, and T. W. Noh Applied Physics Letters, 94, 173504 (2009)


[15] Magnetic Properties of Insulating RTiO3 Thin Films S. C. Chae, Y. J. Chang, D.-W. Kim, B. W. Lee, I. Choi, and C. U. Jung Journal of Electroceramics, 22, 216 (2009)


[16] Occurrence of Both Unipolar Memory and Threshold Resistance Switchings in a NiO Film S. H. Chang, J. S. Lee, S. C. Chae, S. B. Lee, C. Liu, B. Kahng, D.-W. Kim, and T. W. Noh Physical Review Letters, 102, 026801 (2009)


[17] Current progress and future of research on electric-field-induced resistance-switching phenomena Seung Chul Chae and Tae Won Noh Sae Mulli (The Korean Physical Soceity), 57, 303–317 (2008)


[18] Abnormal Resistance Switching Behaviors of NiO Thin Films: Possible Occurrence of Simultaneous Formation and Rupture of Conducting Channels Chunli Liu, S. C. Chae, S. H. Chang, S. B. Lee, T. W. Noh, J. S. Lee, B. Kahng, D.-W. Kim, C. U. Jung, S. Seo and Seung-Eon Ahn Journal of Physics: D, 42, 015506 (2008)


[19] Strong resistance nonlinearity and third harmonic generation in the  unipolar resistance switching of NiO thin films S. B. Lee, S. C. Chae, S. H. Chang, J. S. Lee, S. Park, Y. Jo, S. Seo, B. Kahng, and T. W. Noh Applied Physics Letters, 93, 252102 (2008)


[20] Scaling behaviors of RESET voltages and currents in unipolar resistance switching S. B. Lee, S. C. Chae, S. H. Chang, J. S. Lee, S. Seo, B. Kahng, and T.W. Noh Applied Physics Letters, 93, 212105 (2008)


[21] Role of structural defects in the unipolar resistive switching characteristics of Pt/NiO/Pt structures C. Park, S. H. Jeon, S. C. Chae, S. Han, B. H. Park, S. Seo, and D.-W. Kim Applied Physics Letters, 93, 042102 (2008)


[22] Effects of heat dissipation on unipolar resistance switching in Pt/NiO/Pt capacitors S. H. Chang, S. C. Chae, , S. B. Lee, C. Liu, T.W. Noh, J. S. Lee, B. Kahng, J. H. Jang, M. Y. Kim, D.-W. Kim, and C. U. Jung Applied Physics Letters, 92, 183507 (2008)


[23] Random Circuit Breaker Network Model for Unipolar Resistance Switching Seung Chul Chae, Jae Sung Lee, Sejin Kim, Sinbum Lee, Seo Hyoung Chang, Chunli Liu, Byungnam Kahng, Hyunjung Shin, Dong-Wook Kim, Chang Uk Jung, Sunae Seo, Myoung-Jae Lee, and Tae Won Noh Advanced Materials, 20, 1154 (2008)


[24] Resistance Switching in Electroformed Pt/FeOx/Pt Structures S. Lee, S. C. Chae, S. H. Chang, C. Liu, C. U. Jung, S. Seo, D.-W. Kim Journal of Korean Physical Society, 51, S96 (2007).


[25] Epitaxial growth and the magnetic properties of orthorhombic YTiO3 thin films S. C. Chae, Y. J. Chang, S. S. A. Seo, T. W. Noh, D. -W. Kim, C. U. Jung  Applied Physics Letters, 89, 182512 (2006)


[26] Magnetoelectric effects of nanoparticulate Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3-NiFe2O4 composite films H. J. Ryu, P. Murugavel, J. H. Lee, S. C. Chae, T. W. Noh, Yoon Seok Oh, Hyung Jin Kim, Kee Hoon Kim, Jae Hyuck Jang, Miyoung Kim, C. Bae, J.-G. Park Applied Physics Letters, 89, 102907 (2006)


[27] Growth and characterization of epitaxial barium titanate and cobalt ferrite composite Film S. C. Chae, P. Murugavel, J. H. Lee, H. J. Ryu, T. W. Noh, C. Bae, J. H. Park Journal of Korean Physical Society, 47, s345 (2005).